Macrobiosis Group has established product and enterprise reputation throughout the world. The core elements of BALSAMPEAR include chromium yeast, selenium-rich beer yeast and bitter melon extract. This product is also called “1341 rule for healthy cells”. BALSAMPEAR is helpful with supporting diabetes patiences.
A research determined the use of chromium yeast, elenium-enriched beer yeast, and bitter melon extract supports in the resolution the 4 identifiable causes for cell apoptosis which results in the cells “hidden hunger”; therefore, this solution is also called “1341 rule for healthy cells”.
Chromium yeast: Chromium yeast is from biological fermentation which is based on genetic It holds all the advantages of chromium and it is easier to digest. Chromium yeast contains rich protein, sugar and Vitamin B. Once chromium yeast is accepted by our body, chromium ions would repair the damaged cell membranes and re-establish the translocation channel of Membrane Proteins. Besides, chromium ions would strengthen the physiological effects on the cellular organs. Moreover, chromium is an important part of Glucose Tolerate Factor (GTF) and it provides the necessary energy for physiological actions of the cellular organs.
Selenium-rich beer yeast: The cells would be surrounded by selenium when human body accepts the selenium-rich beer yeast. Selenium would combine with the heavy-metal ions in the body and generates the Selenium-Metallothionein which is able to be evacuated from the body. Those people who lack selenium could be feasible to take selenium from some products which are helpful with preventing tumors and hepatopathy. Moreover, taking proper selenium is useful to maintain the function of liver, lungs and prevent disease such as cardiovascular.
Bitter melon extract: Bitter melon extract contains unique bioactive constituents which are beneficial to nerve cells. The activities of flavone, alkaloid, bitter melon sterols, vitamins and protein are the highest. Also, these bioactive constituents would provide nerve cells with adequate nutrients and solve the problem about Hidden Hunger of nerve cells.